Herman N. Eisen, M.D.

Herman N. Eisen

 Brief Bio

Herman N. Eisen (1918–2014) was professor emeritus in the Department of Biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dr. Eisen was president of The American Association of Immunologists from 1968 to 1969 and served on the AAI Council from 1963 to 1969. He was awarded the AAI Lifetime Achievement Award in 1997 and the AAI Behring-Heidelberger Award in 1993.

 Oral History - Full Interview


Interview Date: Friday, May 4, 2012
Location: Boston, MA

Click here to see other interviews from the Oral History Project

 Oral History - Transcript

Click here to download the transcript of this interview

 Oral History - Clips

 AAI Service History

Joined: 1951
President: 1968–1969
Vice President: 1967–1968
Councillor: 1963–1967

The Journal of Immunology
Associate Editor: 1954–1959, 1968–1974
Section Editor: 1987–1989
Nominating Committee: 1969–1970 (chair), 1972–1973 (chair)
Long Range Planning Committee: 1970–1971 (chair)
Awards Committee: 1978–1979, 1990–1992, 1992–1993 (chair)
Blue Ribbon Panel: 1978–1979
Committee for Liaison with DRG, NIH: 1993–1995
Liaison Committee with Research Granting Agencies: 1995–1998 (chair)

Other Service
AAI Representative to FASEB Board: 1967–1970

 Awards and Honors

 Institutional/Biographical Links

© The American Association of Immunologists, Inc.
1451 Rockville Pike, Suite 650, Rockville, Maryland 20852
(301) 634-7178 | infoaai@aai.org